
How to teach road safety to school-age children in the UK

Children crossing the road

Teaching children about road safety is crucial for their protection and can set the foundation for responsible behaviour around traffic for life. As experts in children's fitted footwear, Start-Rite understands the day-to-day challenges parents face, especially when it concerns the safety of their children, whether a toddler or a teen, during the school run in the UK. Let's explore effective ways to teach children about the dos and don’ts of road safety.

What is road safety?

Road safety is a comprehensive term that involves more than just drivers being cautious on the road. It encompasses the behaviour of pedestrians, understanding of traffic signals and awareness of one’s surroundings when walking near or crossing roads. Children, who are often the most vulnerable pedestrians, may need help to grasp these concepts early on and to build road-safe habits.

How to promote road safety awareness in children

Promoting road safety awareness in our children means equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate their environment safely. But road safety education is about more than just rules; it's about providing our children with the wisdom to protect themselves in various traffic situations. This involves understanding how pedestrians and vehicles share road spaces, identifying safer places to cross the road and learning the critical 'Stop, Look, Listen, Think' sequence. Here’s how you can make a significant difference and enhance their road safety savviness at every age.

Lead by example

Children learn by watching and mimicking adult behaviour. Always demonstrate positive road safety habits like using the pedestrian crossing correctly, looking both ways before crossing the road and understanding the "Stop, Look, Listen, Think" sequence. By consistently modelling these behaviours, you’re providing a live example for your child to follow.

The 'Stop, Look, Listen, Think' sequence

Have fun teaching children the key steps to crossing roads safely, explaining the importance of each step as you go by following this easy-to-remember sequence for roads.

  • Stop: Always stop before the edge of the road, ensuring there's a safe gap from passing vehicles.
  • Look: Look for oncoming traffic by checking right, left and right again. Repeat this step to confirm the road is clear.
  • Listen: Teach your child to listen for vehicles. Sometimes, vehicles can be heard before they're seen, especially around corners or obstacles.
  • Think: Encourage them to think about whether it is safe to cross. Assessing the speed and distance of oncoming vehicles is crucial in making this decision.

Incorporate these lessons into daily walks to school, the park or around the neighbourhood so the habit becomes ingrained into your little ones’ behaviour. Regular discussion and practice reinforces the importance of road safety, transforming these lessons into habits your child will carry into adulthood.

Test their knowledge

Make learning about road safety an engaging experience. Quiz your children on the “Stop, Look, Listen, Think” sequence and turn it into a game while out for a walk. Ask them to point out safe crossing points, potential hazards or what different traffic lights and signs mean.

Practise in familiar and unfamiliar settings to truly embed the message. While it's crucial to practise lessons on roads your child uses daily, introducing them to different road types, environments and times of day they might encounter, such as those on holidays or special trips, provide a more robust and comprehensive learning experience.

While you’re putting their knowledge and understanding to the test, start to bring in other road safety tips, for example: -

  • Highlight the importance of removing hoods or anything that could obstruct vision and hearing when crossing roads.
  • Discuss the concept of driveways being potentially dangerous and teach children to always be cautious around them.
  • Stress the significance of being bright and visible. Show how reflective materials shine in the dark when car lights hit them.
  • Reinforce the idea of always walking with an adult and holding hands near roads until a certain age.

Use their favourite media

Utilise the shows, characters and platforms your children love to reinforce road safety messages. Many children’s programs offer episodes dedicated to safety topics, including road safety. Watching these together can open up discussions about the importance of being visible. For instance, popular children's TV shows like Peppa Pig feature several episodes focused on road safety. Hey Duggee even has a 'Traffic Badge' episode. Searching for these shows can help bring the road safety message to life through popular media. Older kids who participate in Brownies and Cubs also have the opportunity to strive for their 'Road Safety' badge, making learning both engaging and rewarding.

If you're seeking additional avenues to enrich children's learning experiences, consider visiting the websites of the Department for Transport or Brake Charity. Both organisations offer an extensive array of teaching resources designed to assist parents in effectively guiding home education sessions.

Enlist the help of other adults

Learning about road safety shouldn’t be limited to the home environment. Encourage other important adults in your child’s life such as older siblings and close friends to help reinforce these messages. Whether it’s grandparents, teachers or family friends, a unified approach ensures the teachings stick. And don’t forget key calendar events like Road Safety Week (in November) that many schools get involved in, which further emphasise the key learnings through school participation and community involvement.

Road safety is an essential life skill that children must understand and respect. By leading by example, testing their knowledge, incorporating their favourite media and enlisting the support of the wider community, we can frame road safety in an engaging and memorable way for our children.

Safe and secure in every step

At Start-Rite, we recognise that while imparting the road safety message is essential for a secure journey to and from school, it's equally important that children are comfortable during their school run and throughout their school day. That's why we are dedicated to offering the very best in fitted footwear for every child. Our extensive collection of school shoes not only provides style, but also ensures the support and durability required for a child's active lifestyle. So, as you educate them on crucial road safety practices, rest assured that with Start-Rite's footwear, their every step is not just secure, but also comfortably taken, designed with a deep understanding of the challenges parents and children face.

Author: Vista, published 21-11-2024.