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Five minutes with... Anna and the twins

The twins in Start-Rite shoes

Hi Anna, how are you? Talk us through a typical day for you and your girls.

I’m very well thank you. Everyday is a little different for us, but usually after breakfast we go to either the woods or the local park as I like to get outside everyday. We might come home for lunch or I will bring a packed lunch for the girls and then I drop them to school. The girls go to Montessori pre-school four afternoons a week and they absolutely love it. After school they can be exhausted so we go home and they play while I get dinner ready. They might watch a bit of TV or play in the garden depending on how bright it is. They eat their dinner, have a bath and then it’s story time and bed.

How do you like to spend your weekends?

The weekends are usually a lot slower paced as there isn’t the added pressure of trying to get out and back in time for pre-school. I try to go a bit further afield at the weekends with trips to the beach, wildlife park, art galleries, museums or I organise a playdate for the girls.

You’re very active on social media. Do you enjoy creating content with your children?

When I was in university, I did a short course in photography and at one point thought I might become a photo journalist. I love to take photos and I especially love to take photos of the girls. It’s so nice to have a photo journal of all the memories we have made together and places we have been to. I would literally take photos of the girls all day if they would let me.

The twins in Start-Rite shoes

The girls always seem so full of energy, what activities do they enjoy doing together?

They literally do not stop from the moment they open their eyes until they go to bed at night! At the moment all they want to do is go on their scooters. Éloïse is a daredevil and tries to copy all the older children at the skate park. Isabella is a bit more cautious and if she can’t do something that Éloïse can she will say “It’s okay mummy, I can do it when I’m older like Éloïse!” Éloïse is one minute older than her!

They have swimming lessons once a week too and they love it. It’s amazing how much they have grown in confidence over the last year. It’s hard to keep them out of the water now even at the beach, in winter.

They adore singing and dancing too and love to put on “shows”. Just before Christmas they were in three ballet performances and I think that’s where the whole show thing sparked from. They make me laugh so much because they always start with “Ladies and gentlemen” and then when they want you to clap, finish with a bow. They are such characters!

What do you look for when buying their footwear?

For me footwear has to fit well and be comfortable. I prefer classic styles that are timeless and will go with lots of different outfits. It’s also great if the girls can put them on independently as it speeds up getting ready and out of the house.

The twins in Start-Rite shoes

Do the girls have a taste for fashion yet?

Yes, they love to wear dresses and won’t wear anything that’s too restricting. Up until recently they refused to wear jeans. I usually dress them in the same outfits as they like to match, it also makes washing so much easier for me.

They are also obsessed with shoes and have been since the first pair of Start-Rite pre-walkers went on their feet. If I’ve chosen their outfit, I let them pick out which shoes they would like to wear.

Do you mainly buy products online or instore?

I mainly buy online, shopping with twins is not for the faint of heart. Also logistically its not easy as they both want to hold my hand and once you have a shopping bag or two that’s not always possible and then I feel guilty because one is not happy. Plus shopping online frees up time for more adventures during the day.

Do you have any holidays planned for this year?

We split our time between London and Cork in the South of Ireland, so I imagine we will be back and forth quite a bit over the summer, but we don’t have anything else planned at the moment. When it comes to trips I’m very last minute!

The twins in Start-Rite shoes

What are your favourite styles from our new spring collection?

I love the yellow leather Playground shoes and also the white canvas Sandcastle canvas shoes. Both styles will go with EVERYTHING! The girls favourite would definitely be Sweets - the pink and purple heart print canvas shoes!

When you manage to grab some down-time to yourself, how do you like to spend it?

My husband Patrick works in the entertainment industry; his hours are not the most sociable so there isn’t a lot of down-time as I’m literally on mummy duties 24/7. When the girls go to bed, I work. I do embroidery, I find it quite therapeutic and I love having something that’s just for me. I also like to learn new photography skills.

Patrick and I try to go on a day date once a week while the girls are in school. It’s really important to make time for each other with all the craziness that twin parenthood brings. I solo parent a lot and it can be very overwhelming sometimes so I really need this time where it’s just the two of us, chatting about random things, joking and planning his next day off to do something en famille.

I also love to meet up with my friends, we could chat for days never mind hours, they are like a breath of fresh air. We always have such a laugh together, there is never enough time and navigating motherhood would be so much harder without them.

To shop our new collection click HERE

Follow Anna over on Instagram @anna.and.the.24.7.twins

Author: Stacey, published 03-03-2023.